Arrived! And Adjusting Abroad

Living in a new country for a week and a few days has been quite the transformation already! We have had our highs seeing amazing sights and being in places we could not even imagine. There have also been some low points as well with exhaustion, home sickness, and dealing with the internet, or lack thereof. As a parent of children abroad you quickly learn how to make adjusting to a new life easier.

Claire is a happy, go-lucky child and enjoys adventure. She is whimsical and gets lost in her thoughts quickly. Claire also has a real talent for being able to turn on the water works in an instant. Before we know it, she is sobbing and flailing about because she wants to go home. It can be really difficult to keep up with all the emotions surrounding a giant change in life.

In the last week it became apparent that this adventure is going to help us overcome fears and anxieties. If jumping into the wild waves of the sea without a lifejacket is your cup of tea, this adventure is for you.

Here is a small taste of what we have overcome:

-flight anxiety
-boat anxiety
-no internet connection or slow internet connection (we are so dependent!)
-tantrums and outbursts over food, fears, and homesickness
-Philippines bathrooms
-water supply

We have seen the most breathtaking landscapes and learned Philippine history. It makes the lows seems like peanuts.

Adjusting to a new culture takes time. Some tips to adjust to new surroundings for families:

– Give yourself the time you need to adjust
– Don’t dwell on what you don’t like or understand; but try it
– Really enjoy what you are enjoying
-Try to assimilate the best you can by trying foods, living like the locals, and talking with locals
-Be okay with the differences, try to see them from the locals’ point of view
-Learn the history of the area you are in by visiting a local historical museum
-Let your children make friends with the neighbors
-Write letters to loved ones back home
-Let the kids show their feeling and express their emotions about homesickness. Comfort them as needed and encourage them to find the positives in their new surroundings.
-Keep journals!! Every single member of the family will benefit from keeping a daily journal.

Culture shock is real and bouts of homesickness creep in at the most unexpected times. Embracing where you are helps you assimilate better and more quickly into your new life. Live in the moment and enjoy the transformation.dsc_0101

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